Monday, January 5, 2009

Woe is Aaron.

There will be no DirecTV at the new house. They can't get a clear line of sight for the dish, except to possibly put it in the front right corner of the house.

Um, no. There will be no satellite dish on the FRONT of my house. Yuck.

AT&T Uverse is available at our house, which actually makes ME very happy because we will only have one freaking bill again. So nice. Plus, the total for Uverse (phone/TV/internet) is about what we were paying for the DirecTV alone. Save money too! Yay!

I feel bad though, that Aaron may not always get the games he wants to watch.

Oh well. We all have to sacrifice sometimes.

I hope we don't have any more problems because the customer service at AT&T sucks the big one. Our DSL was supposed to get hooked up a week ago, and still isn't. Every time they say "It will be on by 8pm this date" and it's not, we call, sit on hold for an hour, go through a huge drama, and then are told something different. Sales told us one thing, service another, provisioning another, tech support another. Good lord people. How many different software applications do you have? None of them talk to each other? (on a side note - hope they aren't clients of ours lol)

Aaron finally had to lay the smack down today. Hopefully it works and it will be all set tomorrow, as promised. Of course, I realized about 5pm today that I accidentally took the install disk with me to Roanoke, so I had to run to FedEx and overnight it home. Oops!

Love being a homeowner!

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