Monday, January 5, 2009

Well, hello 2009!

I've been without Internet for just about 2 weeks now. It's been... uh, liberating? Actually, it was really great. I got a lot of stuff done!

Aaron and I headed to San Diego for Christmas. Everyone knew but his mom. It was really fun showing up on her doorstep on Monday. I just wish I could have seen the look on her face. Oh well, that's what I get standing behind a guy almost a foot taller than me.

We got back to Indy on Dec 27 and moved into the new house on Dec 29. IT IS AWESOME.

We were smart and just paid movers which was worth every penny - if only to avoid what would have been the inevitable frustration and arguing. We only had a couple casualties - a small ding in the wall of the old house by the door, a scratch in my dresser, and two broken drinking glasses. I would bet that's far far less than if we'd done it ourselves.

The first two nights in our house were weird - it was soooooo quiet! The house is masonry, which blocks out a lot more noise than a sided house. Also, our street is much quieter. The only thing we can hear is the occasional fire truck (and the loud drunk people slamming taxi doors on NYE). Plus, with the furnace in the basement, we don't hear any of that noise, unlike our old place where the furnace was basically right outside our bedroom.

The house is mostly unpacked - except for Aaron's office. His desk wouldn't fit out the doorway of the old house (it was assembled inside), so we elected to buy a new one rather than try and salvage the old piece of junk. We figure that once we attempt to disassemble it, it will just fall apart. It was put together with a prayer initially anyway.

We had a bit of a plumbing fiasco on NYE which resulted in us shutting our water off for 24 hours... but Aaron successfully fixed it and now we can use the shower in the master bath. YAY!

By the way, don't start house projects on a holiday. You'll inevitably need to run to Home Depot 354 times before it's fixed, and that's no bueno when HD closes early.

Speaking of New Years - Aaron and I are party animals! We ate some dinner, watched a movie, and were in bed at 9:30. We did wake up at 12:10am (slamming taxi doors and all that) but promptly went back to sleep. Scandalous!

I've got a few New Years Resolutions though.
1. Lose some weight before the wedding so that stupid dress fits
2. Learn how to use my sewing machine
3. Live more in the moment. Plan for the future, but quit worrying about it.

So far, 2009 has been AWESOME (man, am I from California or what?). We are in our new house. The Chargers beat the Colts. I think this is gonna be a great year!

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