Monday, November 17, 2008

3 months, 3 weeks

I booked our flights to Las Vegas today. The cheapest flight is also the only direct flight from Indianapolis to Vegas offered by any airline (thank you Northwest!). I was tired of watching and waiting and hoping the prices would drop before buying them. I just wanted to be one task closer to TOTALLY ready for the wedding. The tickets were a little less than I had budgeted for, so what the heck. At least I know I won't be paying MORE than we budgeted.

We're arriving on Friday March 13 around 8am, and leaving Monday March 16 at 1pm. We're leaving two days earlier than we originally planned, but I think that will be better in the long run. Saves us $500 on hotel, and who knows how much on entertainment, gambling, etc!

And the money could be very useful... as Aaron and I are desperately trying to figure out how we can buy this house that we love. We can afford the house, we just don't have a down payment yet. And we really really really really love this house. Sigh. Maybe we'll win the lottery and have enough for the down!

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