Saturday, October 25, 2008

Our family

We don't have any human children yet, but we do have a furry family.

Ellie Mae
We got Ellie Mae in Sept 2005, right after hurricane Katrina. She was in a shelter in Louisiana and was shipped to California to make room for all the dogs they found wandering the streets. She was soooo shy when we first met her, she wouldn't even walk. When Aaron put her collar and her leash on her though, she got right up and walked out the door. She was Aaron's gal for a while, but I've spent a lot of time training her and she's totally MY dog now (this picture was taken when she passed her Canine Good Citizen test). We think she's a rottweiler, coon hound, beagle mix. Whatever she is, she has a super high prey drive (she's caught a squirrel and a cardinal since we have been in Indy) and she loves loves loves to go on walks.

Joey joined our family in Feb 2006. Ellie was very depressed when we would leave her home during the day, we thought she might like a sibling. I really wanted a little lap dog, but we came home with a 50lb pittie instead! We felt so bad for Joey because he was handicapped and had been in the shelter for almost 6 months. I was a little unsure of a pit bull at first, but he is seriously THE BEST DOG ever. He snuggles when you want to snuggle, he'll play fetch as long as you let him (or he falls down from exhaustion, whichever comes first), and he's such a silly guy. He does have issues with other dogs sometimes, but he LOVES his sister. Everyone loves Joey. Even our neighbor who is afraid of dogs loves Joey. I think I'll probably ALWAYS own a bull breed (pittie, bulldog, bull terrier, staffy bull) from now on.

Stanley is our cat. We rescued him in March 2007 from the Humane Society. He's 6+ years old, black, and had some minor health problems so he wasn't going anywhere for a while. I fell in love with him right away. He is a big talker and loves to cuddle. He is a cat though, which means he's kind of a pain in the butt. Aaron alternates between loving him to pieces and wanting to stake him out for the raccoons to finish off.

Just kidding... we saw Hannah at the Indiana State Fair. But I have fantasies that we'll have a big ol' piece of farmland someday where I can have goats and maybe some sheep and a cow. No pigs though. They are evil and will eat you alive.

1 comment:

Caddie said...

Is that a perfect heart on that calf's head or not!