Friday, October 31, 2008

Misfit Thanksgiving

This is our first year in Indianapolis and we're not going home for Thanksgiving. It's too much flying in too short a period, and the airlines are always packed.

So we've got a number of friends coming over to share our Thanksgiving meal. My friend Rachael and her fiance Chris, our other friend Rachel and her son Ozan, and our friend Heather are coming so far. Rachael is bringing some traditional Pennsylvania Dutch dishes (Shoofly Pie and Potato Filling, if you're interested). Heather has offered to bring the turkey (YAY! I've been stressing about making my first turkey).

As I start to plan for the rest of our Thanksgiving meal, I cannot stop thinking about how blessed we are. This year especially, we have been given so much. Giving back to God and to our community has become more important to me than ever.

I was looking for adopt-a-family type things for Thanksgiving and came across the Mozel Sanders Foundation. They cook and provide boxed up Thanksgiving meals to thousands of people in Indianapolis. What a cool concept. I'm sure people would prefer to have a meal in their own home than some gigantic shelter.

Of course, we'll be supporting Wheeler Mission as well, which is a gigantic shelter.

I've always wanted to volunteer on Thanksgiving, but I remember from San Diego Rescue Mission that they have more volunteers than they know what to do with on Thanksgiving and Christmas. I figure they can probably use my cash more than they can use my time. *grin*

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