Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Joe Doodle

Joe went to see Dr. Durkes yesterday to have an "alternative medicine" procedure done. He has hip dysplasia, arthritis and straight hocks. A typical vet would have suggested surgery for him, but we wanted to exhaust all options before we went that route.

Dr. Durkes implanted gold beads around his hips to force the hip joints to work properly and also to reduce his pain.

Joe has no activity restrictions, but he is relearning how to do certain tasks because now his hips work differently than before.

Aaron said he's already bending his legs properly when he walks, as opposed to dragging the right leg, and he's getting himself around just fine.

Hopefully this procedure will help him stay pain free and reduce the potential for future issues.


Heather said...

Hurray for the Joe Man! We never know how much pain they are in until they are back to themselves.

Dr. Durkes is awesome. He is well worth the drive. He might need to be cannonized.

Nichole said...

who is this?

Heather said...

Heather. Sorry. I thought you could see email address also.