Friday, February 6, 2009

Will Wonders Never Cease...

Who knew I would actually partake in this "blogging" business. Well upon further review, since it is a way people are actually keeping up with the Jones', uh I mean, the Heilbrons' and I know it is important to the future Mrs. Heilbron, I thought I would make a short appearance. The wedding is coming up quickly, which Nichole reminds me of on a daily basis, LOL, and I am excited. Knowing that my best friend I will be in this for the long haul makes me feel very good. Not that putting the label of "married" on it makes my love for her any stronger, but I will love to call her my wife and in turn have her call me her husband and know that it is a union recognized by GOD and the courts is AWESOME! I am just waiting to get on a conference call right now as Nichole sleeps with all the puppies upstairs. All I hear from up there is Nichole occasionally going to the bathroom and flushing the toilet! LOL! Anyway, got some more work to do before my call...


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That actually does bring tears to my eyes. Aaron--you could have left out the toilet bit.